Huahin Law Office

ADS 728X90

Is there any offence on human trading here?

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Yes there is. Taking a person away or seducing her(him) to gratify other person’s sexual desire, though with consent of person so taken, is an offence, punishable with imprisonment from one year to 10 years and fine from two thousand to twenty thousand baht. The punishment is set so high because the offence is regarded as part of human trading. 
If the person so taken or seduced is under 15 years old, the imprisonment is as high as twenty years. 
Any person receiving the person so taken or seduced for the said purpose is punishable with the same imprisonment and same fine. 
Any person taking another person over 15 years of age but not older than 18 years old for his/her own sexual desire or other means of sexual indecent practices, though with consent of the person, is punishable with imprisonment not more than five years and fine not more than ten thousand baht or both. 



Huahin Law Office

Huahin Law Office We always realize this fact. That’s why we, professional lawyers, accountants, land experts and private detectives assemble together as one team and offer to you the finest and complete services to solve your problems and guide your business to the right direction for your best interest. By the experiences in both government and private sections we possessed.

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About Us Huahin law office If our lives are sports, then we all are athletes. No matter how talented you are, if you don’t know the rules, you cannot be the champion. Likewise, you may be great and diligent at your job and you may have a lot of savings and everything but all of that may go before your very eyes if you don’t know the laws of the society.


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